Elevate your Direct Mail with Handwritten Envelopes

Handwritten Envelopes

With more marketers relying on digital platforms, direct mail may not be as common as it used to be. Despite this, direct mail still remains a reliable and effective marketing tactic. But how do you make your direct mail stand out in today's digital world? The answer: handwritten envelopes. Handwriting adds a personal touch, showing that you put time and effort into your outreach. In this blog post, we will explore why a handwritten envelope is important in direct mail, and how it can elevate your mail campaigns.

Firstly, a handwritten envelope adds a human touch to your outreach. It shows the recipient that you made an effort to connect with them. In a world where we are bombarded with impersonalized emails and automated messages, it’s refreshing to see something that took time and thought to create. The recipient is more likely to pay attention to a hand-addressed envelope than one with printed labels.

Secondly, a handwritten envelope increases the chances of your mail being opened. When a person receives a handwritten envelope, it sparks their curiosity, which can lead to them opening it. A recent study by Lob revealed that handwritten envelopes had an open rate of up to 70%, compared to the 3-5% of a typical direct mail campaign. That's an astonishing difference, isn't it? Investing in handwritten envelopes can pay off in a big way.

Thirdly, a handwritten envelope brings a higher response rate. When your mail looks more personalized, it also feels personalized. The recipient feels more inclined to respond to you. By adding this personal touch, you build trust, rapport, and connection. Spruce Letters, a leader in handwritten direct mail, offers a 300% uplift in response rates when their services are deployed.

It's important to note that not everyone can write beautiful handwriting or have the resources to house an in-house team of writers. That’s why Vesper Marketing, the leading provider of direct mail campaigns, has partnered with Spruce Letters as their preferred vendor. Spruce Letters has a team of handwriting experts who can produce quality work at scale. They use only the best materials and treat every envelope as a work of art. With their help, businesses across different industries can generate a more effective outreach with less resources.

Finally, a handwritten envelope feels more personal. At its core, marketing is about building relationships, and handwritten notes can help you achieve that. It shows that you acknowledge the recipient and that you value them as an individual. By demonstrating this level of care, you’re not only elevating your direct mail; you’re elevating the view of your business as well.

Direct mail is still an effective way to reach customers, but it requires a personal touch to stand out. A handwritten envelope adds that much-needed personal touch, which can increase open rates, response rates, and create a deeper level of connection. It's also a great way to reinforce your brand image and put a face to your business. Vesper Marketing has partnered with Spruce Letters to offer their clients a reliable and high-quality source for handwritten envelopes, making this customizable outreach strategy more accessible and cost-effective for everyone. Don't underestimate the power of a handwritten envelope – it can make all the difference in your direct mail campaigns.


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